Step 1

Sign in

  • Content Page
  • Map Page

Step 2

Map Page Basics

  • Zoom, Navigation
  • Basemaps   Can’t change your projection in AGO - all data is projected into Web Mercator
  • Content Pane
  • Save your Map

Try on your own: Change the basemap to Light Gray Canvas

Step 3

Let’s add in data, a few different ways:

  1. ArcGIS Online
    • ACS Poverty Status Variables
  2. Hosting through Content

Try on your own: Bring in another data layer from ArcGIS Online and check out the attribute table. Save your map!

Step 4

Now let’s jump into using some spatial tools!

  1. Tool: Aggregate Points
  2. Tool: Enrich Neighborhoods
    * Make a bivariate map

Try on your own: Enrich your map with another variable, then try making another bivariate map.

Step 5

Create a StoryMap